All wavelengths. Add your own color to the team!

Team Spirit
All Wavelengths – we are fascinated by the unlimited applications of laser technology and also appreciate all types of personalites. Team spirit and company culture at it´s best - this always were the key corner stone for our success. We trust our people and encourage empowerment in decision making.

Economic Stability
TOPTICA now is one of Europe´s most leading photonic laser supplier. 490 employees, 130 Mio € turnover and a stable growth guarantee a long term stability of a privately owned medium sized corporation.

Fascination Laser Technology
We are all fascinated by the technology behind lasers and the multiple application purpose of the laser. Some of us have studied laser technology from the beginning and some of us have learnt of it in a side entry to the company. We enjoy job profiles from phycisists, machine engineers, gold smiths, radio electricians, tailor, hotel and travel management, “Optiker” …., just to name of few - each one giving his own personal experience to laser technology.

Social Responsibility
Our commitment is more than laser technology only. We believe that everybody has a social and ecologic responsibility – both in private and in business life. TOPTICA supports a close by social institution for disabled children. Also we constantly try to minimize our carbon footprint by suitable activities.