Imaging Extensions
Fast and Flexible Imaging Platforms
- “Complete version” for imaging in transmission and reflection
- “Flexible version” for horizontal, vertical and oblique positioning
- “Fast version” for TeraFlash smart, unique speed of 1600 pixels per second
- Data filtering in both time-domain and frequency-domain possible
TOPTICA offers Imaging Extensions for both TeraFlash pro and TeraFlash smart. The Complete Imaging Extension scans a sample through the focus of the terahertz beam. Users can quickly reconfigure the optics from a transmission setup to a reflection geometry and vice versa. The Flexible Imaging Extension includes a compact reflection head that moves on an aluminum frame. This assembly can be positioned horizontally, vertically or at any oblique angle and is well suited to study heavy objects, paintings or murals. Finally, the Fast Imaging Extension is compatible with the TeraFlash smart and enables imaging at 1600 pixels per second, an industry record for commercial time-domain terahertz systems.
Specifications Complete Imaging Extension Flexible Imaging Extension Fast Imaging Extension (*) Concept Moving sample, static TX/RX antennas Static sample, moving reflection head
Compatibility TeraFlash pro TeraFlash pro TeraFlash smart Terahertz optics 4 mirrors, easy configuration in transmission and reflection 4 mirrors, reflection-mode only -
Additional Information
- Applications
- Downloads
- Scientific Paper: F. Rettich et al., Field intensity detection of individual terahertz pulses at 80 MHz repetition rate; J Infrared Milli. Terahz. Waves (2015)
- Scientific Paper: Vieweg et al., Terahertz-time domain spectrometer with 90 dB peak dynamic range, J Infrared Milli Terahz Waves, 2014
- Conference Abstract: Yahyapour et al., Non-Contact Thickness Measurements with Terahertz Pulses, WCNDT 2016
- Overview Article: Lang, M., et al., Laser-based terahertz generation & applications, Photonik International (2012)
- Review paper: Naftaly, M., et al., Industrial applications of terahertz sensing: State of play, Sensors (2019)
- Scientific Paper: D. Molter et al., Kilohertz pixel-rate multilayer terahertz imaging of subwavelength coatings; Appl. Sciences (2022)
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