Universal Fiber Coupler
- Convenient and straight-forward adjustment
- Exceptional stability (patented flexure hinge design)
- Highest single-mode coupling efficiency (up to 90 %)
- 6 independent alignment axes (2 x X/Y, Z, Theta)
- For both TOPTICA and third party laser systems
The FiberDockTM is an easy-to-use fiber coupler, suitable for both TOPTICA laser systems and third party lasers. Its patented design (US 7,321,706, EP 1,666,944) enables highest coupling efficiencies, combined with an impressive long-term stability. Based on the individual laser parameters such as wavelength (range 350 nm to 2800 nm), beam diameter and the mode field diameter of the coupled fiber, a suitable focusing lens is selected and integrated inside the FiberDockTM.
TOPTICA offers various Fiber Delivery (FD) options based on FiberDock for our tunable diode lasers with specified PER up to 20 dB.
Fiber type - Single-mode (SM)
- Single-mode polarization maintaining (SM/PM)
- Multi-modeConnector type FC/APC and FC/PC (others on request) Focal length of applicable coupling lenses 4 mm - 20 mm (standard),
1.5 mm - 30 mm (on request)Wavelength range 350 nm to 3000 nm Size 40 x 40 x 41,5 mm3 (W x H x L) Coupling efficiency Typical > 75 %(valid for circular Gaussian beam and properly selected coupling lens) Clear aperture Up to 6 mm (depending on lens, typ. > 4.5 mm) - Additional Information
- Additional coupling lenses
- OEM-version
- Brochure: Scientific Lasers (please see website for latest specs!)
- Manual: FiberDock v3
- Technical Drawing: FiberDock
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